
Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Five for June 15th

1. I had a dream the other night that I had a beard. Not a long one, but short and neatly trimmed. It was a brighter red than my hair. Everyone really loved the beard. I was also very feminine in the dream. I was model thin and wearing a red sundress. That bit takes away from the beard being the masculine part of myself interpretation, unless the masculine side of me is more feminine than I usually am. And that wouldn't be a stretch!

2. I have my writer's group meeting tomorrow. I always get nervous about it even though I've been with them for nearly a year now. They've taught me so much about critiquing. So I can suffer with being anxious because I'm better in the end for being a part of this group.

3. My sci-fi flash piece, "Red" was accepted by Pill Hill Press yesterday evening. It will be in their collection entitled DAILY FLASH 2013: 365 DAYS OF FLASH FICTION. Hmm, my dream about a red beard and a red sundress. Coincidence?

4. I haven't written anything new this week other than blog posts. Not through lack of inspiration, but lack of time. Perhaps I should cut back to only three a week (and any special news ones!) until I have more time when the school year starts.

5. Father's Day is this Sunday. I had my son make my husband a card, but my husband hasn't made up his mind what he wants to do yet. Are you doing anything special on Sunday?


  1. Congrats on having your sci-fi story picked up! Lol at your dream - I have had a few strange ones this week too!

  2. Red is definitely a recurring theme for you this week. Congratulations on the flash piece, and I know what you mean about a lack of time.

    I've never dreamed about having a beard, but I dreamed that my hair fell out. Hmmm . . . My hair is red, your beard was red. Did your dream steal my hair?

    1. Thanks! Uh... I hope I didn't steal your hair because that would make it really weird. *LOL*

  3. OOh, more than a coincidence me thinks!

    A hearty (jeez, I sound like a pirate) congratulations on the acceptance of your sci-fi flash piece. :)

  4. Congratulations on Red! Maybe there was a connection. Sent my father a Barnes and Noble gift card but I'm not doing anything special on Sunday.

    1. Thanks! A gift of books always works for me too. :)

  5. Congratulations on Red! That is awesome news. HIgh fives and fist bumps.

    I haven't written anything new either, though I did do a short article on Falling Skies for an e-zine.

    Have fun this weekend. :)

    1. Thank you! *fist bump* An article is still more than I did. :)

  6. Congratulations! :)

    We're going to make Father's Day gifts on Saturday when Daddy's outside mowing the lawn. I want to go out and eat on Sunday, but hubby wants to grill--so who am I to stop him?

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks! Sounds like fun. My husband likes to grill too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend as well. :)

  7. you are doing awesome! maybe next year i will concentrate on entering short story stuff to build up the resume! so much to do!

    1. Thanks! There's always so much to do. My head spins!

  8. i love your post today--i really enjoy finding out stuff about people--i have had dreams where it is perfectly normal for women to have a mustache but haven't had the beard one yet!--and congrats!!!

    1. Thanks! Hehehe, that's a fun dream. You can only imagine the stuff women would do if they could grow beards like men!

  9. red beard, sounds like quite a dream. And congrats on your story!

  10. Congrats on your flash piece! A red beard, hmm? We have no real plans for Sunday either as far as I know. I hope you find something fun to do.

    1. Thanks! It was the strangest thing. Usually when women dream about having a beard, it's suppose to symbolize their masculine side, but I was really feminine in the dream. It also means a woman should be more aggressive, and, hm, maybe that's more to what it might mean for me!

  11. Congrats on Red, Christine. Awesome. I've dreamed I've been men before. It's strange ... but interesting.

    1. Thanks! I've had dreams where I've been a man too. I had a dream one time I was a zombie cowboy! *LOL*

  12. Congrats on Red!
    I think I would be creeped out if i dreamed i had a beard!

  13. Congrats! I am always at a loss as to what to get The Husband. He is quite hard to buy for.

    Love the beard dream. Yesterday my little one woke up all freaked out, because she dreamed her belly button popped out! Turns out, a kid at school has an "outie" and she was afraid it was going to happen to her! LOL

    1. Thank you! I bought my hubby a big load of nuts. Then I'll take the boy and give him time to play video games and eat those nuts! :)

      Poor little girl! Though that is really funny!

  14. Lots of red going on in your life this week. I'm glad that red beard was just a dream. I'm sure you would've freaked if you woke up, looked in the mirror, and had really grown a red beard!

    1. I totally would have freaked! It's bad enough when I find one of those random stray hairs that shouldn't be somewhere it is. *LOL*

  15. Mazel tov on your success with the "Red" story! :-)

    As for the dream...the color red attracts attention, no doubt. But beards can hide things, can't they? Hmmm...drawing attention to something which conceals...very eeeeeenteresting...

    J/K. I like throwing on the technicolor dreamcoat, as though I had a clue about any of this kinda stuff. ;-)
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Thank you! You do make a good point about the beard. I have no idea what I'm trying to conceal except my freckles. Or maybe my beard envy!

  16. Dreams never make sense to me, but having a beard.. that would be pretty dang cool if you ask me :)

    I hope you have a good weekend, I will be emailing you soon!


    1. It was cool in the dream. It was soft too. Maybe I liked it too much! *LOL* You have a wonderful weekend as well. Keep on writing! :)

  17. Huge congrats on your short story acceptance... hmm maybe your dream was like a premonition...??

    1. Thank you! Maybe it was. I need to dream of some lottery numbers! :)

  18. Congrats! on the great news for RED! And I'm letting wifey take me to a movie. Not surprisingly, its the Tom Cruise movie Rock of Ages. Hmmmm, there has to be a better movie to see.

    1. Thanks! Surely there has to be a better movie. Isn't it your pick for the day?!

  19. Congratulations on "Red." As for the beard, if it was a blue one. . . .

    1. Thank you! It would have scared me if I had a blue beard. I would have checked all my closets for bodies!

  20. A very big congratulations on being accepted in Pill Hill Press' Daily Flash 2013: 365 Days of Flash Fiction, that is fantastic news! Good for you!


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