
Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Booker Award

A big thank you to the lovely Theresa Paolo for this award.
I am, indeed, one of those who refuse to live in the real world!

The rules for this award:
This award is for book bloggers only. To receive this award the blog must be at least 50% about books (reading or writing is okay)
Along with receiving this award, you must also share your top five favorite books you have ever read. (More than five is okay) You must give this award to 5-10 other lucky book blogs you adore.
 Here are my favorite books:
1) The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
2) The Fever series by Karen Marie Moning.
3) The original Kushiel trilogy by Jacqueline Carey.
4) The Downside Ghosts/Chess Putnam series by Stacia Kane.
5) THE STAND by Stephen King.
6) The Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin.
7) The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
8) The Troy Game series by Sara Douglass.
9) The Harry Dresden series by Jim Butcher.
10) The Coldfire trilogy by C.S. Friedman.
I'm passing on this award to these five fabulous people:
3) Rek


  1. Christine congrats on the award! You also happen to have great taste in books. I adore 'The Stand.'

  2. You have great taste in books... very similar to mine. Congrats on the award:)

  3. Congratulations on your award, Christine.

  4. Congratulations! I love The Stand. :)

  5. Ooh, 1, 5-7, and 9 are all tremendous. HP and the Stand would easily make my top 5, and I think the GRRM books would be there too. Haven't read some of the others on your list, but seeing as how you have such wonderful taste, I'll add them to "the list". :)

  6. Stopping in to pass on a Versatile Blogger Award and a Lucky 7 Meme. Love your blog!

  7. Thank you for the award!! Woo hoo!
    You have such a great taste in books, I am going to have to check out the ones I haven't heard about, like the fever series.

    I adore the dresden books. Have you seen Jim Butcher's live journal?

    The cold fire trilogy is my husband's favorite, he is a huge freidman fan! I just started the first one and I love her take on the Fae.


    1. You're welcome! I do have Butcher's live journal in my Google Reader. I haven't gotten much of a chance lately to look at my Google Reader, though. The Coldfire trilogy is incredibly original, and I adore the Hunter!

  8. Thanks, folks! I hope I can lead some of you to those great books. It was hard to stop at ten!

  9. What a fun award--congrats. I love your #1 favorite. Great taste, you have. My favorite Stephen King book (his earlier works because I don't read him anymore since he scares the crap out of me and I need to be able to function) is The Dead Zone. I loved the philosophical questions he posed with that book.

    1. I love Stephen King. It was hard not to have more in my list. Yet THE STAND is definitely my all-time favorite.

  10. Congratulations on your award. I haven't read most of those. I'll have to check them out.

  11. yay for christine! and stephen king is prob on everyone's list, right?
    my goal, to be on someones list some day!

    1. That would be awesome to be on someone's list one day! :)

  12. Aww, thank you!!

    I think the Harry Potter series is the only one on your list I've read...

  13. Christine, congrats! And may I steal your bookshelf? :) J/K it looks like we have a lot of the same books anyway!

  14. Congrats and thank you.:) Have read #1,6,7 and 9 series...will have to check out the rest. Will pass on the award when I resume blogging next week.

  15. I thought I'd already commented here. I blame my hubby. I bet he interrupted me or something! lol.

    A heart-felt thank you for passing on the award. I really appreciate it.


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