
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dust It Off Bloghop - Day 2

Welcome to the second day of the Dust It Off Bloghop hosted by two amazing women, Cortney Pearson and Theresa Paolo. This bloghop encourages you to take a shelved manuscript, dust it off, and rediscover some of the treasures forgotten inside. Sounds like a lot of fun, doesn't it?

There are three parts to this bloghop:
Day 1 (May 3rd) - Post a 1-2 sentence pitch.
Day 2 (today) - Post a 300-350 word excerpt.
Day 3 (May 7th) - Post what you learned from this manuscript.

I decided to go with my sci-fi dystopian romance called Toe-suckers. The title is horrible, but I repeat, it's not what you think!

Here's my excerpt:

“You're a pet.” He spat the word out like a bug that had accidentally flew into his mouth. “You have no hair. Most everywhere would be too cold for you.”

She ran a hand across her bare head and glanced upwards at his thick locks. There was no envy in the gaze, but once again, just curiosity. “Perhaps you are right. I don't think I would enjoy the cold all that much either. I don’t even like cold baths no matter how hot the day. Yet I would still like to see snow. You could, though.”

He couldn’t understand why she was rattling on to him. Finally released from the spell that his prize had cast on him, he gave his head a little shake. It was stupid to be standing around talking to a pet. Without another word, he turned to make an escape.

“What’s your name?” She called after him with a whisper. “My name is Molli.”

A name given by those disgusting toe-suckers! No self-respecting human would ever have such a silly name. Zegg picked up his speed and headed out of the room just as Rake was leaning in to take a look. He was holding his hooked nose as not to have to breathe in the stench and scowling in Molli’s direction.

Zegg zoomed past him and ducked out through the window. His friend hurried to catch up with him. “What did you think you were doing in there? Talking to a pet? You must have sucked some toes or something!”

“I did not!” Zegg snapped back, eager to get away from the still quiet house. “She talked to me. I didn’t talk to her.”

“Don’t tell me you’re becoming one of those fuzzy hearted slops who feel sorry for those bloody pets.” Rake growled, yanking at his own unevenly cut hair in frustration.

“I don’t feel sorry for them.” Zegg hugged his newly acquired artifact to him.


  1. Well done you! That blog hop sounds like a great idea.

    1. Thanks! It's a fun blog hop. Lots of great ideas out there.

  2. You're so awesome! This is a great excerpt!

    1. Thank you! You're so good for my fragile writer's ego. :)

  3. I'm just fascinated by this human as designer pets thing. With what little I know so far, it sounds like it'd make a cool movie.

    1. Thanks! It might make an interesting movie, if they don't mind the fact that the pets are naked all the time as good pets should be! ;)

  4. I agree with Suzi completely. Humans for designer pets is such a unique idea something I have never heard of or would ever consider. Sometimes I read things and think How the heck did you come up with this!?!?! And that is my exact thoughts with this MS. Seriously such a cool idea and yes I can totally see it as a movie. I was looking forward to your excerpt and it didn't disappoint, I want to read more :)

    1. Thank you! It was just a funny idea I had thinking of what different aliens might be like and how they could take over Earth in a non-hostile way.

  5. Cool excerpt---and this blog hop is such a nice idea--I'm sorry to have missed it.

  6. I agree. This is such a cool idea. I think you should revive it. (But yeah, change the title.) ;)

    1. Thank you! *LOL* Yes, the title would definitely have to be changed.

  7. Christine, I'm really intrigued! I want to know more of what's going on!!

    1. Thanks! Financially savvy aliens make for the scariest take-over! :)

  8. I still really love the idea behind this novel, and you have not disappointing.

  9. I was an A to Z Challenge participant and I'm stopping by to say hello. Nice idea for a blog hop.

    1. Hi and thanks for popping by! :) This is a fun blog hop.

  10. Ooo... sounds like you've got a fantastic world set up! :D

  11. Sounds like an interesting world. I forgot I was reading Toe-Suckers until that phrase popped up though. Luv it.

    1. Thanks! As you can see, toe-suckers is a derogatory term. Hehehe!

  12. Love the environment you've created!

  13. This is definitely unique! I can tell you have some great world building here.

  14. What an interesting world where humans are designer pets! I'm intrigued and would like to see where this goes.

    1. The pets have pretty decent lives. If you ever imagined what life would be like as a dog, then that's it!

  15. this has a hint of battlefield earth. i love it! it also reminds me of the song, "we'll make great pets!"

    1. I've never seen Battlefield Earth, but now I'm curious enough to maybe sit through it. Surely life as a pet couldn't be all that bad! ;)

  16. I love this idea. It's so unique. I can see a movie of it already! lol
    So great! I hope you work on it and get it out there ;) Good luck!

  17. You totally amaze me, going directly from A to Z into another Blog Hop. AND if this is a SHELVED manuscript, I figure the ones your promoting must be fantastic.

    1. Thank you. I hope the ones I'm promoting are better. I'm surprised people like this one so much!

  18. Wait, this is horrible and shelved?? This is fantastic! I was hooked from the first line. I love the "spat out like a bug" simile. You are a great writer and I'm sure this entire manuscript is wonderful!!

    1. Thank you! Your comment is such a great encouragement.

  19. Mmmm hmmmm, I can tell Zegg has feelings for her! Or soon will. hehe. I bet it was fun to write this! :)


  20. Excellent excerpt, I love the world you've created.


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