
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Anthologies seeking submissions - May 2012 edition

I didn't get to post one of these lists last month, and I'm a bit late with it this month. I'm slowly starting to get back on top of things after the A to Z Challenge. I've already written a little piece of sci-fi for this month, but there are a couple of anthologies that caught my attention.

SWORD & SORCERESS 27 - annual trade paperback (Norilana Books); S&S, strong female protag (fic). Pay: 5¢/word adv. against shared royalties. Words: <9k (prefers shorter; send longer early). RT: 1st cut <1 week. Reprints: no. E-subs: ONLY. Elisabeth Waters, Editor. Deadline: May 12th.  (I'm sorry to be so late with this one, but if you have a story you can submit within the next few days, this is an awesome anthology series.)

DAUGHTERS OF ICARUS: a brave new world of feminist science fiction - 1-time POD/eAntho (Pink Narcissus Press); feminist sf (fic). Pay: 1¢/word (min $20). Words: no limits. RT: 2-3 weeks. Reprints: yes. E-subs: PREFERS. Josie E. Brown, Editor. Deadline: May 31st.

FUTUREDAZE: An Anthology of YA Science Fiction - 1-time print (Underwords); YA sf (fic/poem). Pay: $200 (poem=$25). Words: <6k. RT: <2 months. Reprints: no. E-subs: ONLY. Hannah Strom-Martin & Erin Underwood, Editors. Deadline: November 30th or when filled.

URBAN GREEN MAN - 1-time print (Edge SF & Fantasy); f (fic/poem). Pay: 3½¢/word (poem=$20). Words: <5k. RT: <3 months after DL. Reprints: no. E-subs: ONLY. Adria Laycraft & Janice Blaine, Editors. Deadline: November 30th.

You can find several more anthologies seeking submissions at It's an excellent resource for writers.


  1. Nice set of anthology presented. Thanks for the info.

  2. I like the look of the Urban Green Man (or woman or cat). Thanks, Christine.

  3. Between you and Milo, I never have to go looking for short story opportunities!

  4. I wish I had the time to read everything you suggest!

  5. Very cool short story anthologies. I wish I had time to write up something for Sword and Sorceress. Maybe next year.

  6. I think it's awesome of you to share the links. Thanks! :-)

  7. OMG, thanks you!! I love hearing about stuff like this.

  8. These anthologies are a great opportunity for writers. Good that you posted the links.

  9. you're awesome! i have to try at least one of these! thanks!

  10. Thank you, there are some interesting outlets to look at here. I've tweeted the link.

  11. Thanks for the list - that's some great info! My trouble is that I start with a short story and end up with an epic. :)

  12. Great info. Thanks. am I just now noticing that header image?! That's freaking awesome.

    1. Thanks for the comment on the header. :) I had this whole intricate image in my head to make it look like a paranormal romance cover, but simple silhouette (with a sword!) is much more me.

  13. You're welcome, folks! Good luck to anyone submitting something. If only I had something for Sword & Sorceress. I need to prepare for next year's edition.

  14. Thanks for posting these, Christine. I may consider the feminist SF. If I find a pocket of time somewhere.

  15. thank you..I will check it out..I am happy to learn about things like this!!

  16. and thank you for your example of kindness and encouragement to others by sharing this.

  17. Great finds Christine... I'll note them down for when I have something ready:)

  18. great links! one of these days I'll have to find the time to submit for these anthologies:)
    Happy weekend!

  19. You're all welcome. Hope you're having a great weekend!


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