
Thursday, April 5, 2012

A to Z Challenge - E is for Exactly

I'm writing a story spanning over all the days of the challenge.
If you're just joining me now, please start with A is for Abby.


"If you don't stop following me, I will kill you." Abby marched along the dark street. She ignored the fact her body was very aware of him keeping pace beside her, arms nearly brushing. Or at least tried to ignore it. She should have left him in the trunk.

He's going to be hard to get rid of, you know. You should have listened to me. Tawa said in her lecturing voice. Maybe you could let the next monster eat him.

Abby softly grunted wanting to agree, but knowing she couldn't let such a thing happen. Being one of the good guys sucked sometimes.

"No, you won't." Demetrius smiled, breathing in the night air as if they were taking a casual stroll. "I've always wanted to see one of the Fearless in action."

"And what do you know of the Fearless?" Abby couldn't deny her curiosity. Tawa had taught her the history of what she was, but it was suppose to be a secret. Only a few privileged others were suppose to know of their existence.

"The Fearless." Demetrius pronounced the name in a deep dramatic voice and made a grand gesture with his arms. "Chosen by the gods to protect the children from their fears made real. They're given blessed weapons, magical sight, and superior strength and dexterity. They're rumored to be fierce beauties." He eyed her with a smirk. "There's truth in that one. It's also said that since they are fearless, they die young because they lack the wisdom to know when to retreat."

"You never run away." Abby huffed with a shake of her head. Trying to compliment her and call her stupid at the same time. He was the idiot. So he knew a few things, but he didn't know her. She was smart. Yet she refused to think of running away when there was the life of a child at stake.

"Exactly." Demetrius looked smug. "Lucky you have me with you now."

Yeah, lucky you. Tawa snorted.

Abby turned right and headed up the driveway to her second stop of the night. For the longest time, she only fought once or twice a week. Then this last year, the number of monsters had rapidly increased. She had been unsuccessfully trying to find out why. Even with Tawa's guidance, the answers eluded her.

"You want to see one of the Fearless in action? Here's your chance. Just make sure you don't get in my way." Abby went around to the back of the house and scanned the second floor windows. Thick shadows rimmed one in particular. Making sure Tawa was secure, she climbed up onto the roof above the porch and crept over to the window. She paused to peer into the dark room through the slats of the blind and startled as she felt his warm breath near her cheek.

"Nasty beast in there." Demetrius moved to remove the screen and see if the window would open. "Best let me go first."

"And you best not set off the alarm." Abby pushed him aside and placed her hands on either side of the window. They began to glow and the tiny light she had seen blinking in the top inside corner of the window went out. She slid the window up and didn't look at him as she slipped into the girl's room to dispatch the monster in the closet.


  1. As your very own personal stalker, do I get a signed copy of this, when it becomes a world wide bestseller?

    It's like my mum always says, if you don't ask, you don't get.

    Brilliant as always Christine.

    1. Since I've never had a stalker before, yes, you may have a signed copy!

  2. Oh I missed a day!!! Abby's in the street? Wow, she's a mini Buffy...I must go back and check what other monsters she's been bashing up... Let's see if Demitrius gets eaten LOL, that'll teach him!

    1. A mini Buffy! I like that. Demetrius is hotter than Angel, though, and Angel was pretty darn hot.

  3. i will be going back also--great story!

  4. Great writing piece! I so want to read more - thank you for sharing! :)

  5. Great writing, interesting read and now I've got to back track and read the rest :)

    I am stopping by via the A - Z Challenge link up, following you via GFC. Feel free to stop by my blog at (my b- c and d post combined)

  6. She won't let the monster eat Demitrius. Everyone knows hot guys don't die in stories.

    1. Ha! That made me laugh. They die if they're written by Joss Whedon!

  7. This was a lot of fun! Can't wait to read more. =D

  8. Replies
    1. Are you reading them day by day or are you peeking ahead? :)

  9. you are a good writer! and pull me into the story!

  10. Can't wait to read more! Kick-a** heroine!

  11. You're so good. I wish I was organized enough to do the A to Z writing challenge.

    1. Thank you! You might surprise yourself if you give it a try. :)

  12. I really like the character's voice! She sounds like a strong protagonist. :)

    1. Thanks! I like my protagonists strong. Sometimes they get too willful, but that's for the antagonists to take care of!

  13. You know, the next 20 days (25, really) are going to be really hard to get through until the end.

    When it's over, will you post the whole thing in one shot on its own page?

    1. I think I might do that. It makes me giddy that people are enjoying it so much.

  14. I'm liking Abby more by the day! I do hope when this is done you'll put it out as a book. I'm really enjoying it!

    Twitter: @Safireblade
    A to Z Blog Challenge

    1. I am loving your story. Have you always had that kind of imagination?

      Look forward to reading more.

    2. Thank you! This is my imagination in its pure, unedited form.

  15. This is a fabulous story, Christine. Delicious, I'd say. Can't wait to see what Abby and Tawa are up to next. :)

  16. Alright, now I get it. Abby is one of the 'fearless', a sort of super-hero that go around killing nightmare monsters under children's beds.

    That's alright, but I seem to have missed a transition from the first post about her own childhood nightmares to her adult occupation as protector of children.

    But I'm with you now.

    In Abby's world, the Fae seem to not be so purely good. I don't trust this guy.

    Best wishes,
    Anna's A-Z, the letter M

  17. The Fearless sound awesome, but I wonder how Demetrius knows so much about them if it's meant to be a secret.


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