
Monday, April 2, 2012

Flashes of Foxwick

Please join Cherie Reich during the A to Z Challenge for her
Flashes of Foxwick.
Twenty-six great pieces of flash fiction from her Kingdom of Foxwick's fantasy world.

Cherie will be publishing her flash pieces in a collection,
and they will be available mid-April.
It will include a bonus story entitled "Lady Death."

If gifting us with her great fantasy stories isn't enough,
Cherie is also featuring authors participating in the Challenge from A to Z this month.
You can check out the writers at Surrounded by Books.
Thank you, Cherie, for all you do for the writing community.


  1. what a great way to showcase other writers.

  2. Replies
    1. You're welcome. A little thank you is the least I can do. :)

  3. What a lovely book cover! It's so nice of you to feature other authors.

  4. Yay for Cherie. What a great idea.

  5. What a great way to support other authors! Kudos to you! And Cherie's pieces are great!

  6. Love that cover image.
    Have marked as to read.

  7. That's really cool of you to tell everyone about Cherie!


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