
Friday, March 16, 2012

The Lucky 7 MeMe and the Sunshine Award

I received this cool meme from Tara Tyler and Tania Walsh.
Thank you! This is really neat.

Here are the rules:
1. Go to page 77 of your current MS.
2. Go to line 7.
3. Copy down the next 7 lines - sentences or paragraphs - and post them as they're written. No cheating.
4. Tag 7 authors.

Here are my seven lines from Witch's First Rule:
“She didn't say why she wanted it, but I'm going to assume it's because she doesn't want me making the potion.” Magena hurried through the kitchen and down the hall to go up the stairs to the second floor. The vacuum was sitting by the linen closet still plugged into the wall. She smacked the handle as she stormed by and knocked it on its back. “My home has been violated. It'll never feel right again.”

Nathan kept pace with her. “I'm going to have to call Mr. Knox and tell him what happened. I'm sure he can help you cleanse the house if you feel something wrong with it. There's no use--”

(I didn't cheat, but likely the scene will be cut from the manuscript!)

Here are the next lucky seven writers:
7. Julie Dao

I also received this wonderful award from Kathleen at Writing, Reading and Life.
Thank you for a bit of sunshine on a rainy day.

Here are the rules:
1. Thanks the person who gave it to you.
2. Write a blog post with the answers to the questions.
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers for the award.

Favorite color: blue
Favorite animal: wolf
Favorite number: 5
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: pink lemonade
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook.
My passions: My son, husband, reading, and, of course, writing. There's also chocolate. Most particularly chocolate chip cookies and chocolate cheesecake. Mmmm.
Getting or giving presents: giving. I love the reactions and they stay with me longer than any material thing a person can give me.
Favorite pattern: whorls
Favorite day of the week: Saturday
Favorite flower: wildflowers. I love seeing a field full of various wildflowers. I'm not a fan of flowers in the house.

I'm giving some sunshine to everyone who wants it. Have a great weekend!


  1. Well done. I was surprised at how such a random section in a story can still make sense. That's a good sign I think.

    1. Thank you! I'm still debating on whether to cut the scene. It really doesn't further the plot, but it adds some characterization.

  2. Love the piece of your story! Pink lemonade is also a very great choice and I second for the love of chocolate. Have a great weekend! :)

    1. Thanks! Ever since I wrote that, I've been craving chocolate. Yet today my son and I are going to make rice krispie treats with green marshmellows for the St. Patrick's Day party we're going to tomorrow. Hopefully that will curb my chocolate craving for... a few hours!

  3. Congrats for the award! And, mm...chocolate cheesecake.

    1. Thanks! I really want some cheesecake. I'll have to make do with Oreos.

  4. sweet excerpt! and lovely answers =)

    have a green weekend!

  5. Nice excerpt, Christine. I like the smacking the handle of the vacuum cleaner. very visual there.

    Thanks for passing along the sunshine and the Lucky & meme, I'll do that one on my usual Tuesday teaser, I think.

    1. Thanks and you're welcome. Your teasers are great!

  6. I enjoyed the excerpt!

    I so want some chocolate chip cookies!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Thank you! I might make some chocolate chip muffins to eat while watching Supernatural tonight.

  7. Very nice teaser... I want to know what happened to her house. Good tension.

    Wolf is my favourite animal too:)

  8. Wow! Lucky you! Two awards in one day. You're obviously rather popular! I like pink lemonade, too. Nothing beats it on a hot summer day.

    1. I totally agree. For some reason, it's my favorite road trip drink too. Maybe it's the sugar since it keeps me alert!

  9. Yep Saturday for me too! And few things are better than a field of wildflowers. :)
    I love the name Knox... I'm using it for a character in my new ms.

  10. Thanks for the tag! I remember Morgena! I wonder what she's up to these days!


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