
Monday, March 12, 2012

In the groove

You still have three days to enter to win Cherie Reich's giveaway. Just leave a comment on Thursday's guest post. Cherie talks about running a book blog tour and offers some great advice.

It was a slow start to last week, but I found my groove. I wrote my short story for the month. I added a sci-fi twist to the fairy tale version of George and the Dragon. I've already emailed it to my writers' group, and we'll meet this coming Saturday.

I also finished all my posts for The A to Z Challenge. Yippee! I'm ahead of schedule and it feels good. I just couldn't stop writing. It's a fun story. I hope everyone else has as much fun with it as I did. Now I can spend my blogging time in April visiting the other participants.

I came up with a new idea for either a novel or a series of novellas. I haven't decided which would be better. Of course, you know what it's like when a new idea hits you. All you want to do is concentrate on that idea. I want to hold off until November and write it for NaNoWriMo, but we'll see how much power it has over me.

There's three weeks left of March. I want to focus on the revisions for my WIP. I need to stay in this groove and dig down deep. I don't like revising. I used the A to Z posts as a way of avoiding those revisions. I think once I get past the starting hump, I'll be fine. I just need to get back into revision mode.

I finally have my workspace back again. My husband's birthday is at the beginning of April. I already knew I was going to buy him a wireless rotor for his Xbox, but this morning, he saw the price on it had gone down and was going to buy it himself. The only way to stop him was to confess and give him his present early. Now he can play on his Xbox in the living room on the big TV and not squish himself in this little computer room with me. He's very happy. I'm very happy.

Today our Christmas present is arriving too. We ordered a new bed platform with drawers (we seriously need the extra storage space) in December as our mutual Christmas present. It's being delivered today.

I lost an hour of sleep due to Daylight Saving Time, but at least my son adjusted wonderfully. He even asked to go down for his nap at his regular time yesterday.

Have a good week!


  1. You've been very productive - well done. Can't wait to hear about your new story idea... I couldn't wait till Nov... I've already started writing a novella idea I had..hehe

    1. Hehehe! I'm trying really hard to reign myself in from starting on a new project. I need to finish revising the one novel, yet I don't want to lose the bright shininess of a new idea.

  2. A to Z complete. I'm jealous. Actually you're so organized I'm jealous of a lot of things.

    1. I surprised myself. I got really into my A to Z story, though. I meant to pace myself, but it was just too much fun!

  3. Your child adjusted so well! Those transitions were always funny with young children.

    That's funny about the birthday present. Glad it worked out!

    1. I lucked out with my son. He likes to sleep. A trait I'm very glad he inherited from me! :)

  4. my goodness you are so organised! I've tried to think up posts for the a-z challenge, but I haven't gone past A yet, lol.

    1. I surprised myself with how organized I am. Yet it helps to do so because I only have a finite amount of time to write and blog. You've still got lots of time to write your A to Z posts. :)

  5. Wow, you completed all your a to Z posts? That's impressive!!
    Your hubby is like my hubby. He gives no thought to buying stuff for himself when it's his around his birthday. I can't tell you how many times I had to stop him from buying stuff that I had gotten him already. LOL

    1. Thanks! Oh yeah, my husband does that almost every birthday. He rarely buys himself anything during the year, but come his birthday, I think he gets an itch! *LOL*

  6. Having space for writing is always a plus! My husband unfortunately plays computer games so we're always fighting over the computer. I see a laptop in my upcoming future! I hear you about daylight savings this past weekend, my daughter adjusted better than I did! Have a great week! :)

    1. A laptop would make an awesome gift! Glad that your daughter adjusted to the time change well too. I could still use an extra hour of sleep!

  7. Yay about everything! Man, I need to get back into the groove of things. I'm so far behind in everything.

    1. You've been busy and it was your birthday. You're super writer librarian! You'll be able to catch up soon. ^_^

  8. You have to keep a man happy when it comes to his XBox!
    I'm still working on my A to Z posts...

    1. Oh yes. I don't dare come between my husband and his Xbox. He even bought a new awesome headset with birthday money from my grandmother. He's all set!

  9. finished with a to z? wow!
    so many positives!

    1. I surprised myself with it. Yet it was such a fun story to write. Especially fun knowing I didn't have to go back to do revisions! =P

      My Lucky 7 meme will be up on Friday. :)

  10. I don't care for the time change things. Not at all.

    Woot on all you've accomplished, Christine. I only have A-F loaded up so far. I'll get more loaded this week. I hope.

    1. Thanks for the woot! :) You're off to a good head start too. I really want my one hour back!

  11. Ohh I just tagged you on my blog...:) Check it out.

    1. Cool! Thank you. :) My Lucky 7 meme will be up on Friday.

  12. SO glad you were able to find your groove!

    1. Thanks! I just need to keep at it which can be as difficult as finding it.

  13. Wow! I can't believe you have written all your A to Z posts...well done you. I'm taking part for the first time this year, and wrote my first post on Sunday. Looks like I need to get a move on...

    Sounds like you are really in the groove - way to go girl!

    1. Thanks and good luck! I can't wait to visit everyone's blogs during the Challenge.

  14. Congrats on finishing your short story! I love stories with a sci fi twist at the end.

    1. Thanks! Hopefully I can polish it up to be pretty enough to get in with a SFWA approved publication. It's one of my goals for this year.

  15. You are on fire, Christine. You're my inspiration. Keep it up.


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