
Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Five

1. I finished my first round of revisions with my WIP. Three chapters deleted and several other pages. One chapter added. I need more words now.

2. I tried to start my second draft yesterday, but I stared at the screen for an hour. I couldn't get out the first line of the new first chapter. I know exactly what I want to do with the chapter, but I can't get over that first line hump. I think I'm worrying too much about it being perfect. I need to forget that and leave it to be changed in the next revision.

3. My son will be two in three weeks. How can I be the mother of a two-year-old? Has he gone off to college yet?

4. I'm all prepared for the A to Z Challenge. I have a fear that Blogger will change everything over to the new look and I'll lose all my pre-scheduled posts for the challenge. Please Blogger, don't mess any of us up.

5. Finally watched the first season of Sherlock. Awesome. The second season will air on PBS starting in May. I still prefer Doctor Who, but Sherlock is pretty dang cool.


  1. Hi Christine, I am a Dr. Who fan, but Sherlock is ok too!

    1. Hello and thanks for following! I always welcome fellow Doctor Who fans. :)

  2. You know Benny is playing the big villain in the next Star Trek movie, right?

    1. Really? That's going to be awesome. I'm out of the media loop on most everything these days. Keith told me Martin Freeman is going to be Bilbo. From Watson to hobbit!

  3. Congrats on your revisions and good luck on the A to Z challenge.

  4. ok. this is my third attempt to trying to leave you a comment. blogger is driving me bananas!

    happy early birthday to your baby! i heard they grow fast so next thing you know he might quite literally be getting ready to go to college.


    congrats on the progess you're making on your WIPS!

    1. Thanks! I heard Blogger was giving people problems already. I hope it doesn't mess up the pre-scheduled posts. I need to save them elsewhere!

  5. Congrats on the revisions! And yeah, I think if the first sentence isn't coming, you should just move on. You'll have the time to fix it in other drafts. :)

    1. Thanks! Now I just have to force myself to move on past it. That's just as hard! *LOL*

  6. I've been wantting to watch Sherlock, but haven't gotten around to it. And Doctor Who rules!

  7. Happy birthday to your son. My oldest will turn three on April 6, and my baby will turn one on May 11. Time flies.

    Good luck with your revisions. I'm having a similar issue with my WIP, so I know how you're feeling.

    1. Thank you! You have two little ones? I don't know how you manage to get any time or energy to write. I just barely do with one!

  8. Hope Blogger doesn't mess up posts! Bad enough comments were offline for a while this morning.
    The first line of my second book changed several times, so I wouldn't worry about it. You'll probably end up changing it later anyway, right?

    1. Oh oh. Now I'm worrying more about Blogger. I'm going to save the A to Z posts somewhere else just in case!

      And yes, you're right. I'll likely change it at least a few times before I'm through! :)

  9. Good luck with the revisions. I'm getting a headache working on mine! I'm a Doctor Who fan, too. Looking forward to reading your A-Z blog posts.

    1. Me too! I tried again with the beginning today, but my muse said it's Friday and she's taking a long weekend!

  10. Yeah for revisions being done! I'm hoping nothing happens with Blogger, especially since I'm already on the new format. Plus, I just backed up my blog...just in case.

    1. Good idea. I just save everything in a few places. Lost some revising time, but I feel better now. Have a good weekend!

  11. Happy birthday to your toddler! They grow up so fast.

    I really need to watch Sherlock...and Doctor Who. I'm so behind!

    1. Thanks! I know what you mean about falling behind in TV shows. There's only a few hours out of the week I get to watch any shows. That's compared to a few hours each night I had before I had a child!

  12. Good luck with your WIP.

    I just have all my posts on a Word Document. I confess that I don't know how to set them up in advance.

    1. Thanks! I was worried at first I wouldn't be able to do the pre-scheduling thing, but it's really not as difficult as I thought it would be. Easier than figuring out the new Facebook!

  13. I am saving my posts as I go in document as well, at least until blogger works out the kinks. I'm more afraid of losing access to post or not being able to comment. I switched mine over last night to try to get adjusted before the challenge begins.

    1. I'm going to switch over this afternoon and see how it looks. That way tomorrow I'll be a little experienced with it when I go cruising the blogs of A to Z participants.

  14. 2 years old!!! Wow! You have to start planning the birthday party! They grow up so fast.

    Good luck with your WIP. :)

    1. Thank you! I know. I can't believe he's 2 already. We're just going to have a little gathering with friends and a make your own cupcake dessert bar. The kids will love that!

  15. Amazing post! I came across your blog via the A-Z Challenge. I now follow your blog :) Please check mine out over at

    Good luck with A-Z!!!

    1. Thanks! I'm actually already a follower of your blog. ;) Can't wait for tomorrow and the Challenge!

  16. Love your blog and writing style! Good luck from a fellow a to Z blogger. :)

    1. Thank you! :) Good luck to you too. Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Ok, I know this post is older but I wanted to say good luck with your WIP! I am curious what your work is about, do you have a synopsis or blurb on the web somewhere? :)

    1. Thanks! My current WIP is a paranormal romance about witches and the trouble a love potion can brew. I do have an excerpt under my Lucky 7 post and there's a blurb somewhere on my blog too.... I'm not sure what the post was called, though! If you can search for Witch's First Rule on my blog, you'll find it. :)


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