
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cherie Reich on running a book blog tour and giveaway

Welcome Cherie Reich!
I'm honored to be the last stop on her Defying Gravity blog tour.
I'm also excited to have her here on her birthday!

Cherie's going to talk with us about running a book blog tour. Pay attention. She tells us some very important stuff. I'll tell you about the giveaway at the end of the post.

Hello, everyone! Thank you, Christine, for letting me take over your blog today. Christine asked me to talk about book blog tours.

The first thing you need to decide is what type of book blog tour you want. Do you want a big two month blog tour with events every day? Do you want a small one? There are places that you can pay to host a blog tour too.

For me, I decided I wanted a fairly small blog tour for my space fantasy romance novelette Defying Gravity. I wanted it from February 14th to March 8th (my birthday!), and I figured to have a few spots every week would be good. Now how did I find the people to host me?

You can find bloggers and ask them to host you. Most of us are fairly friendly and accommodating. The worst thing that might happen is they say ‘no.’ For me, I decided to place a call out for bloggers and reviewers on my blog and people contacted me saying they would want to host me on their blog.

You’ve decided what you want for your book blog tour. You are starting to get people interested in hosting you, so what do you do now? Everyone, repeat after me: Organization is your friend.

Did you repeat that? Good.

I created a spreadsheet with these categories: name, e-mail address, blog address, what the host wants from me, blog tour date, and what I’ve sent. I highlighted when I’d sent everything. Also, be sure to give them your blog tour kit. What is a blog tour kit? It’s your cover art, author picture, book blog tour badge, book description and links, and author bio and links.

It’s good to offer giveaways also. I’ve given away several copies of Defying Gravity as well as a chapter critique. You want to make sure to thank your blog host and keep visiting them during the tour. Comment on their blog posts and interact with their readers. It’s a busy time, but a great time.

Since today’s my thirtieth birthday and my final touring spot, I’ve decided to have a rather epic giveaway. Defying Gravity is free today. That’s right. You’ve heard it right here. Free. So go out and grab a copy here. And I’m also giving away a copy of Once Upon a December Nightmare and The Best of Raven and the Writing Desk. Christine will give you the details.

Thank you for having me!

You're welcome! It's always lots of fun when you visit. Congratulations on your new release and reaching thirty years.

Did you read it all, folks? Cherie is giving away Defying Gravity for FREE today. Click and grab your copy now!

She's also giving away a copy of her horror novelette Once Upon a December Nightmare AND a great collection of shorts from The Best of Raven and the Writing Desk to two lucky winners. (If you have one or the other and you're a winner, you can choose to only have one.) Just leave a comment with your email address below. The winners will be chosen by in one week.

Defying Gravity by Cherie Reich
Homesick upon the SS Perseid, Linia, a young linguist, thinks she signed up for a mission of peace, but her crew members have another plan: attack the planet Medusa.

Bored with his dying planet, Alezandros, a space cruiser pilot, joins the Medusan Army in his quest for adventure.

When the SS Perseid clashes with the Medusans’ space cruisers, Alezandros and Linia’s lives intertwine. Sucked through a wormhole, they crash upon a post-apocalyptic Earth and are captured by cannibals. In adjacent cells, Alezandros and Linia cast their differences aside for a common bond: escape. But when romantic feelings emerge between them, they might do the unthinkable because for a Medusan and a Persean to fall in love, it would defy gravity.

Author Bio: Cherie Reich is a writer, freelance editor and library assistant. She enjoys writing horror, fantasy, and mysteries, but she doesn’t let that stop her from trying other genres. Her short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies, and her e-books include Once Upon a December Nightmare, The Best of Raven and the Writing Desk, and Defying Gravity. She is a member of the Virginia Writers Club and Valley Writers and placed third in Roanoke Valley’s BIG READ writing contest.
Author Links:


  1. Congrats Cherie and Happy birthday and I look forward to reading your book.

  2. Happy Birthday, Cherie!

    Defying Gravity is a great story. Readers, go get your copy, NOW!

  3. A big happy birthday to Cherie! I totally agree about organisation being your friend.

    1. Thank you, Talli! And I'd be lost without organization. :)

  4. After my two weeks of touring, yes! Organization is my friend.
    Happy birthday, Cherie! Have your book on my iPad and hope to read it soon.

    1. Thank you, Alex! And I have your books on my Kindle Fire and hope to read them soon. :)

  5. Great tips for a blog tour. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Happy Birthday!! And a huge congratulations on your new story. This is incredibly good news. :)

  6. Thank you everyone for stopping by. I've definitely learned a lot from Cherie about networking and blog tours.

  7. Congrats, Cherie! And thanks for your tips on blog touring. Waving at Christine.

  8. How exciting. Great info on the organization. I anticipate needed this information this summer.

    Oh, and I posted a link to the giveaway on FB.

  9. Happy Birthday Cherie...So much excitement... love it.

  10. First, Happy Birthday again! Of course, it's 1am here, so technically I should be saying Happy Belated Birthday.

    Great advice. I know about press kits, but I didn't think about a blog tour kit. Thanks for the information and a great guest post!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z


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