
Monday, February 27, 2012

Tundra 37 Review

Aboard the Expedition, the Lifers carry on with their every day tasks as the deep space vessel speeds along to a new paradise. The regular calm order is destroyed when the ship is damaged by a comet. Unable to complete the mission, they land on Tundra 37 with the hope of settling on the frozen planet.

Gemme is the ship's Match-maker. Her life is quiet and full of numbers. When her name pops up on the screen along with the gorgeous Lieutenant Miles Brentwood's, she panics and deletes it. Yet it seems fate won't be denied. Gemme is assigned to be on Miles' team to search Tundra 37 for a fuel source the ship desperately needs. Out in the numbing cold, they face monsters, a greedy teammate, and each other.

This story is wonderfully deep and complex. Talking about Gemme and Miles' romance alone won't do it justice. Their romance is sweet and amazing. It flowed naturally with the story and tugged on my heartstrings. I cheered on Gemme against her rival and uttered dreamy sighs with Miles' tender thoughts. I adored Gemme's character. She's different from the usual warrior-like sci-fi heroine, but she's strong in her own way.

The secondary plots pulled me in just as much. I will forever have the image of the ancient Seers - the pilots of the Expedition - strung up in the ship burned into my mind. The little details Aubrie gives us are fascinating and horrifying at the same time. The glimpses of their memories of an Earth falling apart had me on the edge of my seat. (I can't wait to read A Hero Rising next!) My heart ached for them, but I loved how I couldn't figure out what they'd do next. They had their secrets just like various Lifers on the ship. Secrets passed from one generation to the next which could either save or destroy them.

You can buy Aubrie Dionne's Tundra 37 on Amazon and B&N.

A Hero Rising is now available too, on Amazon and B&N.

Aubrie is giving away a copy of A Hero Rising. Please read Saturday's interview with her right here on my blog and enter to win!

Also, please visit A Twist of Noir. My short story, "Lady Blood" is featured today. I'd love to know what you think.


  1. Oh, wow! This looks like something I need to check out.I haven't read a good sci fi in ages.

  2. Hey, Christine - I was just over at A Touch of Noir, and your story is not yet up! I'll try to check back later. Congrats on having your work accepted and featured - you must be beaming :}

  3. Thank you for the amazing review, Christine! You've been so supportive of me!

  4. Let us know when your story is up so we can check it out and comment!

  5. Your story is up now! It's awesome. I left you a comment!

  6. As i said on the earlier post, these books sounds so great! I'll definitely have to check them out

  7. Aubrie's novels are excellent!

    And I loved your story, C.! It's so awesome. Sexy, dark, perfect noir.

  8. Awesome review.... I so want to read it now.

  9. This book sounds wonderful!

    Your story is great! It gave me chills wondering what he would do.

  10. It's like Matched but in a cooler way. Wish listing!

  11. Awesome book. I'm reading A Hero Rising and it's just as great! Thanks for the noir story compliments too. :)


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