
Friday, February 24, 2012


I've been tagged by Ruth at Ruth + Writing. I've never been a very fast runner. I'm a good hider, though! So here we go with the tag questions.

The Tag rules:
1. You must post the rules!
2. Answer the questions and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
3. Tag eleven (or how ever many  you can think of who haven't been tagged) people and link to them.
4. Let them know you’ve tagged them.

Ruth's questions:
1. Would you rather eat ice cream or popcorn? ICE CREAM! That's a no-brainer for me.

2. Who is the biggest influence in your life right now? My son. Our kids influence us in ways beyond what we can ever imagine.

3. What do you do to relieve your frustrations? Write and clean.

4. Can you keep a secret? Yes. Do you have one to tell me?

5. When it comes to books, what is your biggest pet peeve? Whiny protagonists.

6. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Closed. No closet monster is ever going to sneak up on me.

7. Do you have a theme song? Please share. Maybe the Wordgirl theme song.

8. Where would you bury treasure if you found some? In the most obvious spot. Disguise it as something ordinary and out in the open. No one would suspect it was treasure!

9. What book and/or movie could you read and/or watch over and over? The Harry Potter series for both the books and movies.

10. Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes. I jaywalked this week.

11. Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yes. If it suits their skin tone.

I'm not going to tag anyone. It seems like everyone has been tagged recently. Yet if you want to answer a couple or all of my questions in the comments below, please feel free to do so and entertain me!

1. If you were a character from a TV series, which one would you be?
2. What's the strangest thing in your refrigerator right now?
3. If someone wrote a biography about you, what would the title be?
4. Can you describe an atom?
5. What is the worst job you've ever had?
6. If you couldn't be a writer, what career would you choose?
7. Name five people you would most like to meet.
8. Is Elvis really dead?
9. Crayons, pencil crayons, or markers?
10. What's your favorite amusement park ride?
11. What is your ideal home? (It can be fantasy!) 


  1. 1: Castle - the guy is living the dream.
    4: it's the smallest amount of an element you can have and it still be that element.
    6: artist

    That's about all I've got.

    1. Nice concise description of an atom. And Castle, cool.

  2. Christine! i tagged you today! oh, well...
    1) Monica or Jules
    4) its small and explosive
    5) changing diapers and cleaning puke (as a new mom)
    6) i'd be teaching, i am teaching =)
    8) yes
    9) crayons
    10) the lazy river =)

    have a great weekend!

    1. Ha! I agree that being a new mom is the hardest thing I've ever done. And you're very lucky to have a job you love.

  3. I haven't been tagged for anything. Now I'm feeling quite left out!

    1. I have been tagged either.
      We can be not tagged together! lol

    2. darn touchpad, deleting my words ...

      haven't been tagged. haven't been tagged. ^_^

  4. I clean when frustrated, especially during sporting events on TV. Not wearing pink though. Not a chance.

    1. My husband feels the same way about pink. My son has a pinkish-orange shirt that he likes, but since it's a Star Wars shirt, it negates the color!

  5. i loooove your answers. the Jaywalking one made me laugh out loud.
    Happy Friday!

    1. What's even funnier is that I was right downtown when I jaywalked carrying my son, and the mayor did the same thing right after me! Though I didn't know he was the major until my friend told me later.

  6. Loved reading your answers. Yeah I was tagged 4x in one week I think. :)Write and clean, gosh that's exactly what I do!

    1. I've been seeing this tag game everywhere this past week! Hey, at least the house gets cleaned when frustrated for it gets ignored when I'm productive! :)

  7. . If you were a character from a TV series, which one would you be? Sam Carter on SG-1

    2. What's the strangest thing in your refrigerator right now? Tofu? It's not strange to me tho.

    3. If someone wrote a biography about you, what would the title be? Moon Girl of the High Desert

    4. Can you describe an atom? Yes

    5. What is the worst job you've ever had? Too many to name.

    6. If you couldn't be a writer, what career would you choose? I'd play Sims or something all day.

    7. Name five people you would most like to meet. Alive people or dead people? There's a lot of folks in bloggyland I'd love to meet.

    8. Is Elvis really dead? Depends which universe you're in

    9. Crayons, pencil crayons, or markers? crayons

    10. What's your favorite amusement park ride? Roller Coaster

    1. Nice choice for number one. I like your biography title too! Tofu isn't strange to me either, but I think I have some baking soda boxes that have been in there for years.

  8. I love your answer to number 8!

    And the job I'd choose if I weren't a writer: An artist. I know, I know. It's probably even harder to break into than writing is. I'll stick with writing. :)

    1. I think all the creative jobs would be hard to break! They're who we are after all.

  9. Ha... very cool answers...:)


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