
Monday, February 20, 2012

Surviving Monday

Sometimes the week just looms over you and you can't see the light in its dark shadow. Monday can seem like a very long day. It's important to keep the madness at bay. Well, as writers, we need to be a little bit crazy, but we can't let the darkness overwhelm us. Here's a few tips to keep your writing focus and sanity.

1. Write every day. Even if it's just a blog post or a letter. Write something. One small productive thing is still doing something productive.
2. Don't compare yourself to others. No one has the same path. None of us have the same style. Some of us thrive in critique groups while others do not. Discover your strengths and work with them.
3. Read. Read authors you love and read out of your genre. Read for fun and read for research.
4. Connect. There's a wonderful writing community out there. You're not alone. Reach out and make connections. They'll help extinguish the Monday blahs.

Don't forget my Learn Your Craft Giveaway! There's still a few days left to enter.


  1. I know I will be doing the reading thing. It seems like there are so many things I have to write that often I don't get to work on WIP. Thanks for the encouragement.

    1. I don't always get a chance to work on my WIP either. I can do some reading while I'm with my son, but the second I sit at a computer or grab a pen, he wants to be on my lap.

  2. All great advice. Learning not to compare yourself to others is really important for writer sanity, couldn't agree more.

    1. Thank you. I have to remind myself of that one sometimes.

  3. People say to write every day but I think if you've been writing long enough you don't need to. I didn't write anything but blog posts for two months and last Saturday wrote 4775 words on a new story, so not writing every day didn't really faze me. It's better advice for new writers who don't have a lot of experience yet to help them build good habits.

    1. That's a good point. I know folks who write only on the weekends or just when the mood hits them. We're all different. Whatever works for each of us.

  4. I'm actually looking forward to today, because i am planning on getting TONS done!

  5. Write, read, connect, YES! It's my day to connect, and I'm glad I popped over to your inspiring blog.

  6. You've got some great tips here - I love the one about not comparing ourselves to other. That's so important!

    1. Thanks! I have to remind myself of that sometimes.

  7. Connecting is so important! Sad some never learn how to do that properly.
    And does a hundred blog comments a day count as writing?

  8. It is so important not to compare ourselves to others and realize we all do the best we can. Connecting is not a waste of time. Happy Monday, Christine.

    1. I truly believe that too. Hope you have a great week!

  9. I am actively trying to do all four, all the time! #2 is particularly hard sometimes, though.

    1. I have trouble with #2 as well. Connecting is so much fun that I sometimes spend too much of my precious little free time on it!

  10. Awesome tips... I think sometimes we all feel snowed under (like the cute cat)... :)

    1. Thanks! The cat looks comfy. If only we could have cat lives and do that whenever we wanted!

  11. thank you Christine, some excellent advice. Connecting -what life is all about.

  12. those are great! and i'm happy to say i do them
    and now that i'm older, i have to add, stretch & exercise!

    1. Yes, I should add stretch and exercise. It was one of my goals for this year, but I still haven't gotten around to it yet! I do the evening Sprout stretch with my son when we're watching the Good Night Show on Sprout. Does that count?!

  13. Boy, I know how that feels! Thursday-Saturday are especially busy for me, so I get that feeling around Wed. night.

    Great tips!

  14. Great tips all around. Thank you. Those Monday blah's can be overwhelming for me sometimes.

  15. I think I feel like this every morning. Even on the weekends.


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