
Monday, February 6, 2012

Good start to February

February is starting off well. I'm nearly done my Steampunk Cthulhu story. It's a little longer than I anticipated, but I'm not surprised. I usually end up writing more than I plan. That's okay. I have a character named Zedock who pilots an airship and he has a wicked handlebar mustache. Just the image of him in my head is worth the extra words.

I have all my Tuesday and Wednesday blog posts done for the month.

I wrote up my posts for the two great blogfests I'm participating in: I'll tumble 4 ya and Origins.

I'll have an interview with sci-fi romance author Aubrie Dionne on the 25th and the Catch Fire event for Alex J. Cavanaugh's new book, CassaFire on the 28th.

I've done my first four posts for the A to Z Challenge and I'm having so much fun with it. It's distracting me from my other writing.

I made an appointment for my son's first dentist visit on the 21st. He has another new tooth. Finally a molar!

I haven't done any more revisions on my WIP, but I'm okay with that. It's only the beginning of the month. With everything else done, I'll be able to concentrate on it alone after my short story is finished.

Time for an ice cream reward. Mm-mmm!

How's your February going so far?


  1. Can I have your pictures for my 'O' post in A to Z. I cannot believe that organization, she says green with envy. I'm going to try and learn something here.

    1. *LOL* I'm trying to enjoy my organized writing life while I can. Usually it takes a tumble.

  2. You are way ahead of the game!
    Steampunk Cthulhu - I definitely want to read that.

    1. I'm trying hard to stay on top of things. It's easier to deal with when life gets in the way of writing as it has a habit of doing!

  3. Sounds like you're going to have a great month!

    As for my February, well, I found out we're moving to San Francisco AND I've had my play "Warm Bodies" chosen for another festival, plus I'm making great progress on my spec script and have been asked to rewrite an independent film script, so . . . Busy. But all good.

    1. Thanks! You're doing fantastically. I'm happy for you on all accounts. The move will be a big change, but I think you'll thrive out there.

  4. Love your reward. I think I'm gunna do the same. =)

    1. I wanted what was in that picture, but cookies & cream ice cream was good too!

  5. What was your post about again? All I can think about is that ice cream sundae and its only breakfast.

    1. You're an adult. If you want to eat ice cream for breakfast, you can eat ice cream! At least that's what I try to argue with my husband.

  6. Wow, you've been busy!!
    Loved that bit about the handlebar mustache lol. Oh, and btw, that pic instantly made me want ice cream :)
    Hope you have a good one,
    Ninja Girl

    1. I hope you got some ice cream too! I didn't get a sundae, but I had some to satisfy the craving.

  7. Christine, I knew there was a reason why I love coming here. Steampunk ROCKS! My current WIP is a steampunk novel as well, taking place in an alternative history.

    February has me editing it for a third full pass before handing it over to round 2 Beta readers and then finally to my publisher's editor come the end of April.

    1. That's really cool about your current WIP. Mine isn't very technical at all. It just has that flavor.

  8. I can see a handlebar mustached character being worth the extra words. :D

    I've got so many things going on this month! The Origins blogfest, then the launch of my book and a blog tour, followed by the release event for Alex's book, and I still have NO idea what to do this year for A-Z! I did "Dear _____" letters last year. I'd like to get a headstart on those.

    1. Your idea from last year sounds really cool. I can't wait to see what you come up for this year! I want to get all my A-Z posts done so I can just visit blogs in April.

  9. Cool... I can just picture him with his handlebar moustache, flying the plane. Can't wait to read it.

    You're so organized... I'm jealous... this week I'm doing everything at the last minute... a bit of a crazy one for me:)

    1. I'm not usually so organized, but I had a good start doing so. It takes a lot of pressure off knowing I'll get some time for revising!

  10. Great work getting things accomplished so early in the month. I'm falling behind like usual. Now if I could just figure out this last bit of formatting for my ebook, I'll be able to focus on other things.

    1. Once DG comes out, you'll be on the wagon again. :)

  11. Any post with an image like that at the top must have good news. :)

    February feels like it's going by too fast. I'm not sure why, but it only feels like the 3rd or something, to me. Trying to catch up now.

    1. It does feel like it's going by too fast. I blinked and January was gone, but I can leave that and all the illness behind!

  12. holy overachievement! you are blowing me away!
    take a breather!
    good for you getting so much done. i'm a busy bee myself.

    have a great week!

    1. I can see! Can't wait to see your story prompt for the month. :)

  13. Wow! You have been BUSY! Actually, reading all that you've accomplished has given me a little bit more of push to get my editing done! I'm so far behind because stalking people on Facebook is more interesting than filling in plot holes and trapping all the plot bunnies...

  14. Oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't retain anything after that sundae...

    Congratulations! Sounds like you're really getting this month (and April) off to a good start! Kicking my butt, for sure! Keep it up!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  15. Good gracious woman! You've been knocking it out of the park


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