
Friday, February 17, 2012

Finally Friday update

It's been a busy week. The Origins blogfest was so much fun. We need to start our own League of Justice Writers. I'm following a bunch of a new blogs. Welcome to my new followers too!

In case you missed the post yesterday, I'm celebrating reaching 200 followers with the Learn Your Craft Giveaway! Free books. I don't care where you live in the world. Free books because I adore you all.

I revised two and a half chapters of my current WIP this week. I'm at the point that I need to rewrite a foretelling/prophecy. I'm horrible at doing those things. Why can't mystics or oracles just bluntly say what they mean? I feel my protagonist's frustration in trying to figure out what the vague references and strange symbolism mean.

I critiqued three stories for my writers' group. We meet tomorrow. I submitted my Steampunk Cthulhu story to be critiqued. I wonder if any of them are familiar with the Cthulhu Mythos. Once I have their critiques, I will edit and revise again, send to my CPs, and then revise again before submitting it to the anthology.

I also revised a short noir story I wrote a while ago and submitted it to a site that features stories of that flavor. One extra submission for me this month!

I cut my son's bangs today. Toddlers don't sit still. You can imagine what it looks like. I think I ought to consider not cutting his bangs myself any more. At least he's happy not to have his bangs in his pretty long eyelashes any more.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh, I dread rewriting! I feel like I'm disowning my children.

    1. Revising is one of my last favorite things too. Yet it's necessary.

  2. Yeah, there probably does come a time to stop trimming his bangs. Sometimes my dad has me trim up the back of his hair, and let's just say sometimes it is quite a bit shorter than others. Oops.

    It sounds like you've had a busy week, but that you've gotten a lot done.

    1. *laughs* I can do the back of his head because he isn't so concerned about it in his face. He just keeps wanting to watch the scissors!

      Can you please check for me to see if the word verification is turned off for this blog? I had no idea it was activated.

  3. Wow you've been busy. I've been trying to revise my WIP but I keep (possibly on purpose)finding other things to do instead :)

    1. I had started off like that with my revisions. They seemed to hang over my head, but I'm getting better at making myself sit down to do them. :)

  4. Ha. love the cartoon.

    Congrats on reaching 200 followers. And cutting those bangs semi-sorta-like straight.

    1. Thanks! Thankfully the kid's hair grows fast and they won't look like that for long.

  5. You could always shave his head. Then the bangs won't grow back for a while.

    All I know about Cthulhu comes from "South Park."

    1. Ah, South Park. What hasn't it taught us? I still complain about the smug in the air around our town sometimes.

  6. Love that poster! Personally, I just buzz all my sons' hair as short as they'll let me. Makes it easier. Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. My son has such lovely hair, I don't want to buzz it yet! Though I know it will be easier in the end to do so.

  7. sounds like you had a busy week! My husband always cuts our boys' hair, he's way better at it than I am!

    1. Your lucky to have your husband to do so! Have a good weekend. :)

  8. I'm sure the Cthulhu Mythos will confuse some but hopefully they are still able to provide some good feedback.

    1. I hope the story is still fabulous without an previous knowledge of Cthulhu.

  9. Origins was fantastic. Found so many great blogs to follow!

    And you took me WAY back when you mentioned Cthulhu, as I remember that creature from when I started playing Dungeons & Dragons when I was 9 or 10 yrs. old!!!!

    Steampunk?! That's right. I forgot you were doing steampunk. My WIP is based in an alternative steampunky world cool!

    1. Ah, D&D! I have the fourth edition of the Cthulhu RPG. I've never gotten a chance to play it with anyone, though.

  10. You've been busy! The festing has been great fun.

    My crit group meets Monday and I have nothing read yet. Siigh. I am working my ass off to meet my deadlines end of this month. So what happens? Life keeps throwing crap at me.

    1. Good luck catching up! Too bad we couldn't just dodge life for a little while and write.

  11. you go girl! look at all you're accomplishing!
    and a haircut to boot (been there!)
    way to go =)

    ps, i have a request, could you please turn off the human verification? it's bad. real bad. blogger does a great job of weeding out spam.

    1. Ack! I had no idea the word verification thing was on my site. Oh, I feel so badly because I complained about it on other blogs. I changed it in my settings, so hopefully it's turned off now. I hang my head in embarrassment at that. Thank you very much for letting me know.

  12. Wow! You've accomplished a lot. Way to go! (I like the cat picture, too!)

  13. wow, you got a lot done this week. I remember trying to cut toddler's hair. By the third son I realized the barber was the answer.

    1. I'm just glad his hair will grow back by the time we go visit my family for Easter!

  14. Oh man, I wish I was that productive.


    1. I'll look back at this week in a few weeks and wish I was that productive again!

  15. Well done on how much you've done... geez I've been crazy slow, hardly getting anything done. Need to get myself back into action. Was it hard to cut his hair?

    1. Oh yeah, he squirmed and kept trying to see the scissors. I'm just lucky his hair grows fast!


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