
Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy writing week

It took a little longer this month to start on my revisions, but I had a good week with two awesome pantser moments.

The first was with the short story I did for Auntie Tara's short story prompt. I wanted to do something Greek and something with pirates. I think I spent too much time reading about ancient Greek pirates than I should have, but research has always been one of my favorite things. I had no idea where I was headed with the story until near the end. I love when my stories surprise me. It means it's likely to have the same effect on my readers.

My second great moment was with the new first chapter I wrote for one of my WIPs. I needed a first chapter with action rather than the conversation that originally started it. I had a vague idea of how to begin it, but after about 400 words, it all became clear. Dramatic magical attack in public and the frantic scramble to defend without letting the public see. A cool introduction to the protagonist and her sidekick, and a way to let the reader see how magic works in that world. It's a rough chapter, but it has the essentials I need. The rest of the novel has been plotted. So it should be a good steady pace from here on to the end.

To top that off, I have my idea for the A to Z Challenge. I'm really excited about it!

It's almost February. I need to think of another short story idea for next month. I would really love for it to be a shorter short this time around so I have more time to revise my novel. We've an extra writing day next month with it being a Leap Year!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Glad you had the breakthrough with each one! And really cool you have an idea for the Challenge. It helps to stick with a topic or theme. Trust me - I've done both!

    1. I'm going to write a story encompassing all 26 days. The trick will be pacing it so that it ends on Z since I sometimes tend to be long-winded. That will be a big challenge for me.

  2. I'm starting to percolate ideas for the A to Z challenge. This will be my first go at this particular blogfest.

    1. This is my first go too. It's so huge, it makes me nervous!

  3. Congrats on your pantser moments. I'm seriously excited about getting an extra day to work on stuff this year. :D And I like your A to Z idea. I'm doing 26 flash stories involving my Foxwick land. :)

    1. I hope to do up a post here and a post there over the next two months for the challenge, so it will all be done before April. Then I can spend April visiting the other participants' blogs. (I'll also be away in Canada for a week in April. So I lose those days anyway!)

  4. Loved the Greek Pirates (I read it yesterday, but I was having a bad day, week actually, so I read but no comments.)

    No fair - you have an idea for the A to Z already. This will be my first attempt and I'm scared. I have absolutely no ideas beyond A.

    I have mentally worked out my 'Origins' post and sent one contest Short Story off. One more SS Contest entry due by 1 March, then I'll think about A to Z. Maybe.

    1. Thank you. :) I hope your Friday is going better than the rest of your week. This is my first attempt at the Challenge too. I bet you'll do fantastically!

  5. loved your short story! so glad you wrote one!
    i hav a great prompt for feb...

    and yay for your high notes this month! keep writing!
    have a great wknd!

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. :)

  6. You're keeping your A to Z plans secret, huh? I haven't decided yet if I want to do a theme because I had so much fun just choosing as I went last year.

    1. Not too much of a secret. I'll be doing one story encompassing all 26 days. The challenge for me will be pacing it right to end at Z!

  7. I love research, too! And I love that feeling when you figured something out that really rocks. Congrats!!!

    1. Thanks! I could spend hours online just researching things. One article taking me to another until I'm way off topic! *LOL*

  8. Congrats on the great pantser moments, and on figuring out your A-to-Z theme! I hope your WIP continues to go great. Sounds like an exciting opening.

    1. Thanks! If I'm lucky, I can finish this first round of grueling revisions in a month.

  9. I'm getting excited about the A-Z. There's a really great buzz about it.

    You idea sounds fabulous. Only downside is loosing the first publication rights if you publish it on your blog. Does that worry you, Christine?

    I must say that I hardly ever publish any original fiction on my blog. I'm always hoping to sell it.

    1. Thanks! I'm not worried about publishing my story, or any story that I post up on my blog. I understand a publisher won't want to print something that has already been online for free. (Though, maybe one day, self-publication might be an option.) I consider a free sample to entice people to buy my other stories. :) Of course, I have to get a novel published first! I'm working on that right now.


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