
Monday, January 2, 2012

A couple of anthologies to think about

One of my goals this year is to write a short story every month. No time like the present to get started. I have a few new ideas for some sci-fi stories, but right now, they're just story hooks. No plots yet. Sometimes it helps when you have a prompt to spark your imagination.

My favorite site for links to anthologies accepting submissions is I've been using this site for years. It's easy to navigate, reliable, and gives you a lot of choices. Here are a few anthologies that caught my attention:

DARK FAITH 2 - 1-time print (Apex Publications). Horror/dark blended with faith. Pay: 5¢/word. Words: <4k. RT: unknown. Reprints: no. Deadline: January 31. E-subs: ONLY. Maurice Broaddus & Jerry Gordon, Editors

EXTREME PLANETS - 1-time print/Kindle (Chaosium Inc.); sf (fic). Pay: 3¢/word +3 copies. Words: 4k-10k (<20k for pros). RT: after DL. Reprints: pros query only. Deadline: June 30. E-subs: ONLY. David Conyers, David Kernot, & Jeff Harris, Editors

FUNGI - 1-time print/eAntho (Innsmouth Free Press); all SpecFic; key element: fungus (fic). Pay: 1¢/word. Words: <5k. RT: Spring 2012. Reprints: yes. Opens: January 15 (Do not submit before!) Deadline: February 15. E-subs: ONLY. Silvia Moreno-Garcia & Orrin Grey, Editors
MORTIS OPERANDI - 1-time POD (The Harrow Press); supernatural crime (fic/art). Pay: $50 +copy. Words: 3k-6k. RT: <3 months. Reprints: no. Deadline: when filled. E-subs: ONLY. Kfir Luzzatto & Druann Pagliassotti, Editors

BUGS! - 1-time print (Pill Hill Press); all genres (fic). Pay: $10. Words: 4k-10k. RT: <3 months. Reprints: no. Deadline: when filled. E-subs: ONLINE FORM ONLY. Gerald Costlow, Editor
10 REASONS TO CROSS THE MOAT - 1-time print (Sam's Dot Publishing); sf/f (fic/poem). Pay: fic=$20; poem=$5. Words: fic=2k-9k; poem=<100 lines. RT: reject/holdover=1-2 months; final=after DL. Reprints: no. Deadline: May 1. E-subs: ONLY. Katie Hartlove & Sylvan Bree Baker, Editors

This list is as much for me as it is for you. I like to share, and I realized in my annual desk cleaning, I had too many little pieces of paper with various anthologies written on them that were lost in the jumble. I now have a clean workspace and I'm ready to write. Hm, but which one to start with?


  1. A very interesting list of anthologies. I used to look at all the time, but I try not to look there now when I already have more than enough to write.

  2. Thanks for the link. Stored it away for future use.

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  3. Between you and Milo, I bet you know all of the sites for short stories. You can do it, Christine!

  4. Yeah, Milo (as Alex has pointed out) on his blog "In Media Res" you two are on the same wavelength. I know you will both be successful.

  5. Thanks for the links! Good luck with your goal. I hope you meet and surpass it.

  6. Happy 2012! Thanks for printing up this list, Christine. For your new goal of writing a story a month? It's a great market for starting and getting some credits. A few tempt me ... Hmmm.

  7. Great list and thanks for sharing... best of luck in writing a new short story each month... it will be a challenge, but I know you can do it... I'll be right her pushing you along. Plus, hopefully I get to read them as well:)

  8. Thanks! I have a few shorts I'm looking for a market. =)

  9. Cherie, I know how you feel! I had to just stop going to Ralan the last bit of last year because I was distracted thinking about them.

    Mood, you're welcome!

    Alex and Michael, thank you for mentioning Milo's site. I visited, commented, and added him to my list of blogs I follow.

    Shannon, thanks! I'll just be happy to get a few of those stories published.

    M Pax, the writing credits never hurt. Short stories are also a great tool in perfecting one's craft and I've learned a lot with a lot more to learn.

    Tania, of course you get to read them. :)

    Elizabeth, awesome. Good luck!

  10. I've never looked into anthologies. Are these compilations that will feature short stories only? Interesting.
    Are you joining in for this round of words?

  11. good luck with your short stories. Post some on your page, I love reading your stuff!

  12. Thanks for sharing these links with us. Let us know how the short stories are doing. I hope you meet your goal and then some and get them all published, too. I hope 2012 is a great year for you, Christine. Happy New Year!

  13. Wow, thanks for the links. Nice way to gain pub. creds. You are one ambitious lady. Good luck. I hope we get the option to read some of those short stories your going to be working on each month.

  14. Nadja, yes, anthologies are compilations of short stories. Great place to get writing credits.

    Prerna, thank you! I will post more of my stories and teasers of them this year. :)

    LynNerdKelley, thanks and happy new year to you too!

    Farawayeyes, I hope I'm not overly ambitious. I'm going to try my darnedest to get all that done!

  15. These look like awesome markets -- color me interested!

  16. Milo, good luck! There's even more on the Ralan site.

  17. There's always something new to learn. I thought I was on top of the anthology markets, but I hadn't seen, 'Extreme Planets'

    Thanks Christine.


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