
Friday, December 2, 2011

Under the Stairs now available

A collection of frightening stories that will have you hiding under the covers. They will have you shaking and wondering what lurks under the stairs!

My good friend and critique partner, Cherie Reich and I have short stories in this anthology. It's always great to get published, but so much more fun when you have a friend in the anthology with you.

It's a great gift for horror fans. You can buy your copy at Pill Hill Press Book Shoppe, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.

Health update: No word from the lab yet, but I've been feeling better the past few days. Hopefully the medication they have me on is doing the trick. I've got lots to do this weekend, so I won't get much relaxing done. I need some energy to brave the stores!


  1. Yay for our stories coming out today! I'm glad you're feeling better too.

  2. Is it in the iBookstore? Checking iPad now...

  3. Creepy!!! Congrats on getting your short story published. Awesome! :D Glad you're feeling a little better. :)

  4. Wonderful news. What's your story about, Christine?

    I'm glad you're feeling better. Don't over do things.

  5. Oooo scary stuff. I shall have to investigate. I love a good bump in the night.

  6. I love being scared I hope your health continues to improve. Being sick is that much crazier when you have a little one at home.

  7. Congratulations! :)

    I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.

  8. I love spooky short stories. This sounds interesting.


  9. Thank you! Hope you all enjoy the great read.

  10. However,here in the event that the steam cleaner you lease has a hose connection you can utilize the hose connection to steam clean the stairs.


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