
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Holiday Snapshots - week five

Thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments about my Holiday Snapshots series.
It's been a lot of fun.
Here's a few from Christmas this year.
My son loved decorating his gingerbread train.
And yes, he licked the whole thing.

A new and upcoming photographer.
The camera actually takes digital photos.

Enjoying Christmas morning breakfast and talking to Granny on the phone.

Our little living room after all the present opening was done.
Happy Holidays!
Bring on 2012!


  1. That last one - total chaos!
    And he licked the gingerbread house so it would be all his, right?
    Happy New Year!

  2. Oh, I love, love, love this! *still smiling*

    I am expecting my first grandkid any day now so I will be the 'Granny on the phone' very soon.

  3. Thanks for sharing your Hoidays and your lovely family. Happy New Year!

  4. Alex, I totally think that's why he licked the gingerbread. Not that I was going to eat it - tasted like grainy cement! - but he knows to stake his claim!

    Huntress, congratulations! My son was the first grandkid on my side of the family and my mother was far more excited than we were. *laughs* She flies down from Canada to see him often.

    Farawayeyes, you're welcome. I might be biased, but I think my son is adorable and I love flashing about pictures of him! :)

  5. Hi Christine! Thanks for stopping by the blog. Your pictures are adorable. Happy New Year!

  6. Looks like you had a very happy holiday. Good luck in the New Year.

  7. Wonderful pictures. :)

    Happy New Year!

  8. Nice pictures of your family. We have that same exact train, but it didn't end up getting made. We just stole the frosting and candy from it to do the others. :)

  9. Tina and TGE, thanks!

    Susan, it was a wonderfully quiet and happy one. Thank you!

    Kimberly, the train was fun. I don't think he could have handled something as big as whole gingerbread house yet!

  10. Aww! Such cute pictures!

    Happy New Year!!

  11. How sweet! I would hazard to say that is exactly how a gingerbread house should be eaten...

    My kids got digital cameras, too! They love taking photos. I used to have an album on my Facebook where I would post my son's photos, because it made him feel special.

  12. Shannon, I'll be putting up a file on FB for my son too. I haven't pulled the memory card out of his camera yet to see what's on it. It will be so much fun!


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