
Thursday, December 22, 2011


Sound asleep. The sweet little guy. He's so adorable. Then when he was awake today, EWWWWWW! My son has a rotavirus. I won't describe it. You can click on the link and that will be enough said. I'm happy we got a carpet steam cleaner as an early Christmas present.

Aside from all my cleaning and comforting today, I managed to get a nice chunk of writing done. I'm that much closer to the big climax of my current novel. I won't get it done before Christmas like I hoped, but maybe the end of December. *knocks on wood*


  1. So does the title of your post refer more to your son's sickness or your writing?

  2. Hopefully he feels better soon and you can finish your story.

  3. Alex, well, it had a dual meaning, but since there weren't that many chunks coming out of my son, it's more to the writing part! =P

    Grumpy Bulldog, thank you!

  4. Awh sooooo cute!
    Merry Christmas x

  5. Poor little guy! I hope he feels better soon.

  6. You don't have to explain it. I've experienced it. Lovely. Hope he feels better very, very soon.

  7. Thank you! He's doing better today. Not back to his normal self, but much better than yesterday.

  8. I hope he feels better soon!

    Cute picture. :)

    Good luck with your writing!

  9. Awww, he's so cute!! Hope he feels better soon.

    Merry Christmas!

  10. Oh I do hope your son feels better... does not sound good at all. On a positive note, you got back into your writing... yippee... does it feel good?

  11. I love this picture! I adore how children sleep with utter abandon. My son sleeps with arms up when he's really out. Hope he's better soon! Happy Holidays!

  12. There are times I long for a one piece zip up cowboy and indians pajama suit. Sure, it would look odd on a gown man. But I still think back to my youth when I wore them. Think I had a Star Trek pajama outfit too.

  13. Hope he feels better soon. And good luck with completing your book!

  14. one of the worst viruses to deal with ugh!
    but wish i could sleep like that! precious!

    enjoy the holiday! & thanks for your gifts of comments!

  15. Hope your little one feels better Christine. We're all sick here at my house too, not so fun.

    Happy Holidays! :)

  16. He's doing much better today. Almost back to normal!

    Tania, it does feel good. Wish I had the chance to do that much writing every day!

    Stephen, I want Star Trek pajamas. Even Underoos would be welcome!

  17. I feel your pain. I got The Call from the school a few weeks ago and had to collect my son and a back of vomit stained school uniform. Apparently he covered the desk, the work and his neighbour. Who will probably get sick, and so it marches on.


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