
Sunday, December 11, 2011

151 Followers and Holiday Giveaway

I'm watching Snowmageddon on Syfy as I type this. Oh, how I love to laugh at these wonderfully horrible movies. The fun of cursed snow globes. Is it a rule of Syfy movies that no one is allowed to use common sense?

I have 151 followers. Yay! Welcome to my little corner of Blogger. It's wonderful to meet you all. When I hit 200, I'll have another giveaway.

Yet wait! I'll be having a holiday giveaway this week. Jingle your bells and do happy Snoopy dance. I have a special guest coming to visit and he's feeling the Christmas spirit. Don't miss your chance to win some cool prizes.

In writing news, well, there is none. I've still not been feeling the greatest. Instead of writing when my son has been napping, I've been napping too. I've lost a lot of writing and blogging time. Back to the doctor's on Wednesday. Hopefully my body will experience some holiday magic and be reinvigorated.


  1. Happy Snoopy dance done! I hope you feel better soon.Even writers are allowed sick days.

  2. sending positive, healing vibes & prayers your way!

  3. Ah, SyFy movies, how I miss the corniness of them.

    I hope you feel better soon and congrats for over 150 followers!!

  4. Hope you feel better soon! And don't get me started on SyFy movies. Just wait until you read my post this coming Friday.

  5. Thank you all. I'm feeling better today. At least I haven't conked out while my son is napping!

  6. Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well. But you have to take care of yourself, so hopefully the naps are helping. I can only nap when I'm preggers or sick.

  7. Donna, I can only nap for those two things too! And I'm definitely not pregnant. I'm hoping it's just the effects of my flu shot.

  8. Hope you feel better soon. I've seen a few of those SyFy movies you mention... they are hilarious...nice.

  9. Tania, sometimes a good horrible movie is all you need to feel better! :)

  10. Gotta love the occasional bad movie :)
    I hope you are feeling better soon.


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