
Thursday, November 17, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011 - day 17

Word count: 39480

It's not actually day 17 yet. I'm scheduling this post to appear tomorrow morning.

Things are going well. Another critical moment and a big reveal about the protagonist's past. Highly emotional. It's hard to find different words for sorrow. I'm thankful for my thesaurus. I also used the word "Brobdingnagian." Such an awesome word. If one word alone could make a great manuscript, that word would be it.

I'm getting ready to kill off more characters. I feel like Joss Whedon. If only I were that witty and clever!

I had intended this to be a paranormal romance, but I'm almost at 40000 words and there's only been a few kisses. It's more a dark urban fantasy with an element of romance. I'm not complaining, it just surprises me with the novels I've written in the past few years. Hey, it's a good thing to surprise yourself in such a way, right?

I'll be losing some writing time on Saturday with my monthly writers' group. I sent in the first chapter of Sorrow Phage for them to critique. I'm nervous about it. It hasn't been edited at all.


  1. Awesome word count. You are going to make it. Surprises are incredible,it's fun to let the story unfold and see where the plot will take you.

  2. You are killing that word count. I'm almost to 25K and need to step it up!

  3. You're doing awesome! It's funny how novels can change while you're writing them. If the genre is something else, then that's fine. :) I hope the writers' group goes well. I have mine tonight, but I'm not reading anything.

  4. Keep writing!
    And remember, The Princess Bride didn't have that many kissing scenes. Just enough to make the grandson squeamish.

  5. keep it up. It's always exciting when the story comes to life and takes you in a different direction than you could have imagined.

  6. That is an awesome word... can't wait to see the context of how you used it:) Great progress on your NaNo....

  7. Great job. Good luck with your writers' group!

  8. Sounds great, Christine. Can't wait to read it. I'm a big fan of Mr. Whedon's. Torchwood does a great job of killing characters off, too. Great show.

  9. That's a great word! :)

    Congrats on your writing progress!

  10. Left you an award on my site. Check it out.


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