
Friday, October 14, 2011

Pay It Forward Blogfest

Today is Matthew MacNish's awesome blogfest.

This is what he says about it: The idea is to introduce everyone to everyone else. We want this to be an easy post that allows you to meet and follow as many other bloggers as you can. In your post, we would like you to please list, describe, and link to three blogs that you enjoy reading, but that you suspect may fly under the radar of a lot of other bloggers. Or they can be famous blogs, as long as they're awesome.
Here are my three:
1) Amanda at Ramblings. Wonderfully inspirational woman. She blogs for herself and it makes her posts all the more interesting. Fellow stay-at-home mom, book lover and Harry Potter fan.

2) Prerna Pickett at The Sands of Writing. She's a YA paranormal romance and urban fantasy writer. A fellow Campaigner too. She has great reviews and interviews, and thought provoking posts.

3) Tania Walsh at T.F. Walsh. She's a fantasy writer, the darker the better, and a fellow Campaigner. Member of Romance Writers of Australia. She posts Mondays with her Mythical Creatures series and Wednesdays with her Guilty Pleasures meme. She's smart, funny and shares several of my geek tendencies.


  1. Great choices! Thanks for taking part in the blogfest, Christine.

  2. Ohh I feel special:) Thanks so much for the mention - and love that we share those geeky tendencies, though I see them more as awesome tendencies:)

  3. I follow two of those!
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest! Matthew's idea - I'm just here to help.

  4. Those sound like some really awesome blogs! I already follow one. I'm going to have to go check the other two out.

  5. FOLLOWING ALONG on the fest! where's the free booze?

  6. I followed a Pay It Forward path to you. I graduated from IU, so it's nice to meet a fellow Hoosier on here.

  7. Tania has a great blog. I'll have to check out the other, too. Happy Friday, Christine.

  8. Off to check out the blogs you recommend. :)

  9. Great choices! Thanks Christine. :)

  10. Great picks! Thanks for posting them. Consider me a new follower.


  11. Hi! I'm a new follower! Will check out your picks!

  12. Hi! Count me in as a new Pay It Forward follower! :-)

  13. Hello! Welcome to all the Pay It Forward bloggers and new followers. :)

    Tania, you have a great blog! You deserve it. And yes, they are awesome tendencies. Hehehe!

    Jennifer, it's a small blog world! My husband went to IU and we just never left.

  14. I'm heading over to visit the one I don't follow. :)

  15. Following you back from my blog and the blog hop! Nice to meet another mommy/geek! :D And your tagline at the top--"My baby has too much energy. So do my protagonists. I need more sleep."--made me grin. I so understand. (My kids are 8 and 6, but I've been up insanely late for the past week because my protagonists, in this case, have way too much energy. ;))

  16. Oh boy. So many blogs, so little time. I'll be checking them out over the weekend. Thanks for the recommendations.

  17. Such great recommendations! Am now following all of them.

  18. Hi, I am dropping by from The "pay it forward" blogfest & will now pop over and visit the three blogs that you recommend. I will be back to read more after the blogfest.

    Pleased to meet you.

  19. Thank you for your kind words. I hadn't heard of this pay it forward blogfest before your post. :)

  20. Hello and welcome! :)

    Laura, I would love to stay up late to write, but if I don't get my eight hours of sleep, I'm useless!

  21. I follow T.F. already, but will have to check out the others; thanks!

  22. great recommendations! i will check them out =)

  23. i missed the pay it forward hop, so stopping by fashionably late! nice to meet u :)


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