
Thursday, September 29, 2011

A random Thursday meme

This weekly meme is hosted by Booking Through Thursday.
1. What do you think of reading aloud/being read to? I don't mind reading to children, but I don't do well in front of an adult audience. I'm not fond of being read to. I prefer to read myself.

Does it bring back memories of your childhood? No. I know I read a lot when I was a child, but I have no memories of being read to and I have a great memory.

Your children's childhood? I read to my son all the time. My husband reads to my son a lot. I think it important to read to children even if they're infants. I hope my son remembers it when he gets older.

2. Does this affect the way you feel about audio books? Yes. I don't like to listen to them. They're too slow. I read pretty fast.

3. Do you now have times when you read aloud or are read to? I don't have any specific times. I'll either suggest reading to my son or he'll grab a book from his shelf and bring it to me.


  1. It's so nice that you and your husband read to your son! I bet he enjoys it just as much as you do.

    I think I'm going to read those Mortal Instruments next! Thanks :)

  2. I think it's great that you both read to Brandon and he'll have more books coming for Christmas. :D

    As for myself, though, like you I don't remember being read to. I miss a lot when listening to audiobooks or listening to someone read. I'm a very visual person. I need to see the words.

  3. I'm sure your son enjoys the reading. I also prefer reading to being read to.

    BTW, I just gave you the versatile blogger award in my latest post. Check it out and please pass it on.

  4. I don't remember being read to much as a child either.

  5. I think it's awesome that you both read to your son!

    I usually mess up some of the words if I try to read aloud for too long. :P I do have many memories of my mom reading to me, though.

  6. My dad used to always tell me stories when I went to sleep - but he just made them up:)

  7. I love reading out loud to my kids. My three year old favors the dictionary. =) I think she likes the pages of the thick book.

  8. I read at least 4 books outloud everyday-- one for each of my kids; like you I don't think I'd do very well with reading to adults. Even though many times my husband is in the room when I read to the children.

  9. I don't like being read to. Usually the reader's pace is too slow or they mispronounce words. And I find myself listening to the sound of their voice, especially if there's a cool accent involved. :)

  10. I love reading aloud. I'm not sure what I would think about being read aloud to, unless it was like at an author signing, but I fondly remember my dad reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings aloud to us when I was a kid.

  11. My mom used to read out loud to me every night. I loved it! I think that's one reason why I became a writer myself. Great questions.

  12. I think it's so important to read to children. I know both my nephews love it, and come to me with books.

    I sometimes get bad headaches and can't do much (including reading), so someone to read to me then would be nice.


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