
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Great horror anthology

The Indiana Horror Anthology 2011 (Volume 1) is now available on Amazon. My flash piece, "Townies" is included within. The idea for the story came from a dream and it worked wonderfully. I was very pleased with the way it turned out and I was so happy when the editor accepted it. I was invited to send a story into another anthology the editor is putting together, Indiana Science-Fiction Anthology, but I haven't come up with an idea yet. I'd love to get a story in there, but my muse has been quiet lately. Well, at least on the short story front. I have a lot of ideas for novels and no time to write them.

Update: still no progress on the cloning device.


  1. Congrats for the anthology. I like the cover. :) "Townies" was a great read.

    And, darn about the cloning device. Hehe! Maybe that can be your Sci-Fi story. ;)

  2. Congratulations!
    And I'm no further on the teleporter, either. Damn.

  3. Thank you all! I might do a signing for the anthology, too, which will be an interesting experience.

  4. Wow, congratulations, fellow campaigner.

  5. Congratulations to you! I love a good horror. :)

  6. Wow. Congratulations. I love the fact that the story came in a dream. Why aren't my dreams like that?

  7. Thank you again! :)

    Deborah, you can borrow some of mine. I remember at least two dreams every night. Sometimes I'd just like to enjoy a relaxing, dreamless sleep!

  8. How awesome! I love all the genre anthologies out there! A great way to exhibit some awesome talent.


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