
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Awards and Campaign Win

I received The Versatile Blogger Award and The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award from Amy at The Ramblings of Amy!

Thank you! I'm always honored to receive awards like this.

Here are the rules for both awards:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
3. Pass the award on to 5 more blogger friends.
4. Contact and congratulate the blogs you're passing the award on to.

1. I was the worst vegetarian ever. I was one for 15 years. I like very few fruits and veggies. I don't like any sort of spice or even salt on my food. I don't like salad. I had to change my eating habits when I became pregnant.
2. I met my husband on the internet when it was still creepy to do so. We were just friends for a year until we met in person.
3. I'm eating animal cookies as I type this.
4. I think feet are ugly. Except cute baby feet.
5. I wrote several short stories as a child about the kids in our neighborhood called The Kingham Kids.
6. Being a stay-at-home mom is the hardest thing I've ever done, but totally worth it.
7. I'm telling myself that I won't watch Survivor, but I don't think I'm going to listen.

I'm passing these two awards on to:
Aubrie at Flutey Words...
Christine at Christine's Journey 
 Manda at pepperwords
Along with these fine awards, I was notified that I'm one the Final 12 winners in Rachael Harrie's First Campaign Challenge. I'm blushing. I'm thrilled and honored. Wow. I'm stunned too. The Campaign has been a lot of fun so far. I know I say it a lot, but I really mean it. I've read many of the entries by other Campaigners and I'm impressed. So many talented writers out there. I raise my glass to all of you. Cheers!


  1. Congratulations on the awards. And I'd have to say a vegetarian who doesn't like vegetables is a problem...

  2. Thank you for the awards! And yay to being in the final 12. :)

  3. Congratulations on the awards, and also on getting to the final 12!!

    I would have to agree with you on the veggies part - I don't like very many either.

  4. Congrats, Christine! I'm with you on the whole mom thing. Hardest I've ever done as well! Crossing my fingers that I don't screw them up.

  5. Congrats on the final 12. Congrats on the awards and thanks for passing them on.

  6. Thank you for the award and congrats with your success in the campaign challenge!

  7. Congrats on being a finalist - that's awesome!

    I have to agree with you about being a staying at home mom. As one too, it sure is the hardest thing but VERY worth it. Even when your cleaning mac and cheese out of your hair! ;)

  8. congrats! I really enjoyed your flash fiction and you totally deserve to move on!

  9. Thank you all for the congratulations! :)

    Alex, I ate a lot of pasta and pizza. Mmm, pizza.

    Ruth, my fingers are crossed too. I've taken care of a lot of other children over the years, but then I have my own kid and he's nothing like any other one! I hope I'm doing some good.

    Amy, ha! We actually had mac and cheese for lunch today. I cleaned it out of his hair! He's a very enthusiastic noodle eater.

  10. Super congrats :)

    <3 a newbie follower

  11. Congratulations on the award and being a finalist. Rachael will announce officially on Monday and have prizes to distribute. Being in the top 3% of nearly 400 entries is pretty damn good.

  12. Congratulations on the awards--and congrats on being one of the finalists! That's awesome.

  13. You are raking in the awards. How great! Loved your self-disclosure. Here's to more awards.

  14. Congrats on being in the final 12. ^_^

  15. Congrats on the award and being one of the final winners! We have some things in common. I was a terrible vegeterian for two years. The I started getting sick so had to stop. I guess you have to be well educated in veggie nutrition and stuff to make it work. And I also met my husband on line when it was creepy. :)

  16. Congrats on being one the final winners. I never win anything online except books. But that's okay. I like books. ;)

    Your comment "7. I'm telling myself that I won't watch Survivor, but I don't think I'm going to listen." made me laugh.

  17. Thank you all! :)

    Michael, thanks for letting me know. I can't wait for the next challenge!

    Laila, I should have been more up to par on veggie nutrition too. I like veggie burgers and dogs, so that helped out. I take a multi-vitamin as well. Everyone told me when I was going to meet my husband for the first time to be really careful he wasn't a killer! *LOL*

    Donna, I did watch part of Survivor. I figured it was calling to me because there are three people on it with my name, my husband's name and my son's name!


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