
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I gave them a Fever

I hope everyone had a good long weekend. My son was having a hard time of it and thus so was I. Yet it ended off well last night when we met friends for ice cream. Ice cream makes kids happy. Ice cream makes me happy. Brownie Nugget. And, oh, what big nuggets they were, too!

I got an acceptance last night. My horror short story, "Fever" was accepted by Wicked East Press for their anthology, Under The Stairs. It's always wonderful to have a story accepted, but the icing on the cake is that my friend and critique partner, Cherie Reich will also have a story in the anthology. It makes it extra special to be in an anthology with a friend.

I hope to finish my dark fantasy short story today or tomorrow. I need to start a second edit on my latest manuscript. Here's hoping my son sleeps a good long time this afternoon!


  1. Yay! Congrats on the acceptance. And, you're right. It is great to be in an anthology, but even better to be in one with a friend. Good luck with the short story and edits!

  2. Yay for you, Christine! Woot! Congrats.

    Hope your son is doing better.

  3. Congrats on the story! That's so exciting. Have a great weekend.


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