
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Editing and Lisa Potts blogoversary

I've been finding it hard to get a moment to do anything this week. I've started my third round of edits on my latest WIP. I'm finally breaking it down into chapters. When I write the first draft, I do it in one big flowing story. Trying to decide where and when I want to start or end a chapter only distracts me. I need to keep going even if one scene ends and I start another.

Today Lisa Potts is celebrating her first Blogoversary! Please stop by her blog and check it out. She's having an awesome giveaway.


  1. Congrats to Lisa! Her giveaway looks awesome.

    Good luck breaking things into chapters. I don't think it should be too difficult having read it. I don't know how you write like that, though. I have to think of things a section at a time. *laughs*

  2. Congratulations to Lisa. And breaking my manuscript down into chapters is the last thing I do.

  3. I stopped by her Blogaversary.

    A continual flow of writing instead of breaking down into chapters. That sounds like a terrific idea- I'm going to try it out.

  4. Hope the editing is going well. I'm slogging through them on my short story now novelette ... and I'm revising and editing my dreams now ... I have to say though, editing my dreams was really cool.

  5. Yeah, I know how you feel with the revisions. Good luck with that.


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