
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Happy Holidays! #Freebies

The happiest of holidays to all of you!

Wishing you love, laughter, and joy!

And books. Lots and lots of books.

I'll help with that. It's my Christmas First In Series Gifts!
For the next 5 days, these four books are FREE!

As a bonus gift, Of Blood and Sorrow is 99c!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

NaNoWriMo win and a writer's wonderings

I did it! I did it! I completed the NaNoWriMo challenge on November 28th. With my busy, busy month, I'm happy to prove to myself that I can do it. Congratulations to all those writers who made it too.

My progress looks like it was flipping me off, but I kept ahead of the curve.

As you can see, it was a month with varied writing days. Do I wish I could be more consistent? Yes. Yet I did write every single day. (Except after I made the 50k mark! I had another project that demanded my immediate attention.) The story isn't terrific. Though rewrites might help it. What I took away from this exercise is that I can write 50k a month. No matter how busy I am with other things, I can take a little time for myself and get the words down. I think I just didn't believe in myself this year. I wanted to remind myself that I can do it.

I've been neglecting a lot of online stuff. My blog and blog visits especially. I miss reading what my blogging friends are up to. That guilt is nibbling away from me. Next year calls for better time management.

I'm also having big issues where my pen name's genre is headed. I have RH (reverse harem) author friends that are right on the trends. I didn't like this year's ones (bully romance and alien abduction romance), though, and the big one they're calling for next year already (prison romance) is just... no. I've been told that my romance is too feminist, but I'm okay with that. More than okay. I won't write that other stuff. Yet it isn't what sells. I'm learning to be okay with that as well.

It makes me wonder if I need to just write in a different genre. I thoroughly enjoy romance. I love the intricacies of relationships and how unique every single one is. I get excited to see where my characters take me on their journey together. Fantasy and paranormal are still my go-to worlds. I like that something extraordinary in a story. Lately, I've been reading a lot of cozy mysteries. They're light, funny, and fun. Some of them have that bit of paranormal and a dash of romance. Maybe... just maybe that's where I might head in the new year.

2019 has been a rough year in my life all around. Even though the next few weeks are booked up and busy, I'm trying to take it easier this month. Friday night Dungeons & Dragons still maintains my sanity. I'm lucky to have such wonderful friends to meet once a week and play with.

Enjoy your friends and family this December. Be kind, laugh a lot, and enjoy the moment.