
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wicked Wednesday - A to Z Challenge

There will be no Wicked Wednesdays during the month of April.

Don't panic. I'm not going to abandon you. I have something else in store for paranormal romance fans.

During the month of April, I'll be doing The A to Z Blogging Challenge. This is my first time participating in the challenge. I'm excited and nervous, especially with what I plan to do.

I've written a paranormal romance story that stretches over the entire month. I've had no time to revise it. It will be in its pure unedited form. I apologize if there are any glaring plot holes and grammar nightmares. With limited time and space, not all scenes follow immediately after the other. Yet I hope nothing vital has been left out so you may have the full story experience.

A few people have expressed concern that I might not be able to find a publisher for the story after posting it on my blog. No need to worry. I don't intend to publish it. This is my contribution to the Challenge and to you. Also, if you enjoy this story, you'll be more likely to buy my novels if I finally get them published!

I don't have a title for my A to Z story. Though, I've been playing around with a few taglines to tease you.

Abby White is one of the Fearless, but she's never had to face the longings of her own heart.

Parents, when your kids tell you about the monsters in the closets, believe them.
The beasts will eat them.

A is for Abby.
D is for Demetrius.
L is for love?

I hope that is enough to tantalize you to stick with me through April.

Wicked Wednesdays will be back in May. I'm curious as to what you might like to see on it. Book reviews? Interviews? Should I stick with what I've been doing? More of my own writing and experiences? Anything else you can think of?


  1. Can't wait to read your story, and if you do decide to do more with it than let it sit on your blog, I can help you self-pub it. *grins*

    As for Wicked Wednesdays, I would like to learn more about the paranormal creatures in paranormal romances and how an author can use them in a new way.

    1. We'll see what sort of response I get from it first. I want to finish WFR and then get to the 13th Floor series before anything else now. :)

      I like your idea. I've got a month to think of some cool posts for it. Thanks!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I hope readers will get a kick out of it like I did.

  3. ooh! I particularly liked that second tagline! That got my interest perked!

    1. Cool! I'm glad you like it. There's going to be lots of action.

  4. ohh! I think you have a great idea! It is hard to do a post for every month of April, much less for ever letter of the alphabet!

    I agree Cherie about learning about paranormal creatures. That sounds like a few great posts!

    1. Thank you! It was hard to think of one for each letter. Especially ones like Q and X.

      Thanks also for the second vote to Cherie's idea. I'm already working up a few posts in my head.

  5. Christine, that sounds like an excellent idea for the Challenge!

    1. Thanks! I hope everyone has as much fun with it as I did.

  6. That sounds like a real incentive to keep coming back to visit your site in April.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thank you! And you and the other co-hosts are doing a great job so far. April is going to be fantastic. :)

  7. Good luck, and I love your idea! Too bad for time constraints and work - for me, that is. I'm looking forward to reading yours ...

  8. I sure am tantalized! What an amazing idea to do for the A-Z challenge!!

    1. Thanks! Hopefully the story can keep you tantalized throughout the whole month.

  9. Looking forward to reading! I'm stopping by to say hello before the A-Z challenge begins. I'm a new follower here :)

    1. Welcome and thanks! I'm excited about the Challenge. I followed you back. :)

  10. Oo, that sounds very interesting and a neat idea! I can't wait to read it!

  11. Great theme. I'll do my darndest to be here when they post. I hope I don't get lost if I miss a day.

    1. Thank you! Hopefully you can still enjoy the little snippets even if you miss some days.

  12. That sounds awesome. Can't wait. =)

  13. I love the sound of this... can't believe I'm going to miss reading out on it... so no fair... you might have to send me the whole thing to read:)

    1. I can send you the whole thing after we both get back from our trips. :)

  14. Paranormal A-to-Z? Sounds great. Now you have me wondering there will be a Steampunk A-Z somewhere...


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